
A confused university student with a lot to say about everything.

If you were to talk about me in high school yearbook terms, I would probably be 'most ambitious', while simultaneously being 'least likely to succeed'. I have an incredible talent for dreaming big, but crashing and burning before actually getting anything done. But that's enough on that.

I'm eighteen, competitive dancer, wanna-be performer, writer of constant nonsensical words, online content creator and all round annoying person. I frequently create videos on my channel, brittsisadancer, which despite the title, has very little about Britts being a dancer. I've been know to talk about everything from exams to comic con to living with depression.  I just have a lot of thoughts.

Currently I am double majoring in Performance Studies and Screen Arts at Curtin University, Western Australia, while working as a receptionist, and attempting to save enough money to move to the UK and become the next big thing in British television.

I began writing and making my appearances online when I was ten, in the form of a badly written, three to four sentence updates on my life. I hope that (despite my inability to actually form a logical paragraph) I have improved slightly.

Brittsinthesky is my place for thoughts-a jumble of life updates, discussions, and word vomit. Mental health, feminism, youtube, university life, two am life contemplations, what ever I feel I can talk about or question. Shouldn't that be what life is about-discussions and questionings? I don't know. I'm eighteen.

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